Veselka Art Studio

Art Studio and Learning Center Veselka is directed by Olga Kitsmanuk in Zhovti Vody, Ukraine. Veselka is a safe learning environment where children share their dreams for the future, and work towards them through creativity.

These schoolchildren come from various backgrounds, but they all share the devastating pain caused by this war.

They all inquire about the nearest bomb shelter during their first visit to the studio. We want them to keep inquiring about their interests and their future.

Conversations about their parents on the battlefields, near death experiences, escapes from occupied territories under direct fire, constant anxiety over the next air siren, eyewitness stories of things children should never have come across in their lives, all these and more is what children share over art as part of their reality.

Therefore teachers, parents, and psychologists have been working together to minimize the affects of war on development and education.

Our role is to provide lacking resources that aid in this process.

Art supplies are at the heart of children’s creative learning, but unfortunately, for a lot of families, obtaining those is not possible under the circumstances. We close that gap by supplying places, such as art studio Veselka, so children that lack resources can continue developing talents towards a happier future.

We encourage them to keep dreaming and to plan for success.